

积极向上的句子英语 精选42句

1. Eat more roughage; 多吃些粗粮;

2. Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.

3. 多用善眼看世界;不必一味讨好别人。

4. constant dripping wearawaa stone. 水滴石穿绳锯木断。

5. Good advice is beyond all price.忠告是无价宝。

6. never sadie.永不言弃。

7. Knowledge without practice makes but half an artist.有知识而无时间,只算半个能人。

8. Man propose, God disposes。 成事在人,某事在天。有关积极向上英语句子

9. life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.

10. T“impossible”.

11. 不要问别人为你做了什么,而要问你为别人做了什么。

12. The world is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.

13. science to the human mind is what air or water is to the body. 科学之于人类思想正如水或空气之于身体。

14. life is a flower, and love is the honey of the flower.人生是花,而爱便是花的蜜。

15. sorrow is hushed into peace in my heart like the evening amongthe silent trees.

16. ,it’,.不要期待完美的男人,不是因为你期待不到,而是根本没有完美的男人。

17. 生命之灯因热情而点燃,生命之舟因拼搏而前行。

18. Go to a place you’ve never been to every year。 每年至少去一个你从没去过的地方。

19. 青春的幻想既狂热又可爱。


21. O,.

22. give more than you planned to.多多给予,不必计较。

23. Complacency is the enemy of study。 学习的敌人是自己的满足。

24. don’t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.

25. The first step is always the hardest有时候要开始新的事物可能有些难度。

26. all roadlead to rome. 条条大路通罗马。

27. two headare better than one两个人一起比单打独斗要有效的的多。为什么不参加一堂口语课或找一位学习伙伴共同操练英语呢?

28. 世上最累人的事,莫过于虚伪的过日子。

29. 一个胜利者不会放弃,而一个放弃者永远不会胜利。

30. 空谈不如实干。踱步何不向前行。

31. In love and cooking,you must give 100% effort……but expect little appreciation; 无论是烹饪不是爱情,都用百分之百的负责态度对待,但是不要乞求太多的回报。

32. Love deeply and ardently, even if there is pain, but this is the way to make your life complete; 深情热烈地爱,也许会受伤,但这是使人生完整的唯一方法;

33. Don’t trust a lover who kisses you without closing their eyes; 不要相信接吻时从不闭眼的伴侣;

34. There's more than one way to skin a cat条条大陆通罗马。

35. Anything is possible。 一切皆有可能。

36. 英文:standing firm is to challenge difficult courageously and to leave the smile after sccess to oneself.

37. 人的经历就是人生的矿石,性命的活力在提炼中释放。

38. 不幸往往来自比较,而幸福也是来自比较。

39. from my point of view, it is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than the second.

40. don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today不要再拖延了,今天能完成的事就今天做。对于职场的成功英语从来没有象现在这样至关重要过-现在就是学习英语的最佳时间!

41. Treat our earth in a friendly way,don’t fool around with mother nature; 善待我们的地球,不要愚弄自然母亲;

42. Constant dripping wears away a stone。 水滴石穿绳锯木断。

积极向上的句子英语 精选101句

1. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today不要再拖延了,今天能完成的事就今天做。

2. Better late than never.只要开始,虽晚不迟!

3. to the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某人,你是他的整个世界。

4. no pain, no gain不劳无获。学习英语看起来象是个艰巨的任务,但是只要付出一点,你就会得到相当大的收获!

5. Wherethereisawill,thereisaway.

6. A sound mind in a sound body。 健全的精神寓于健康的身体。

7. If you think you can, then you can。只要你相信你能做到,你就可以做到。

8. K.

9. Remember that the man who can shoulder the most risk will gain the deepest love and the supreme accomplishment; 记住:那些敢于承担最大风险的人才能得到最深的爱和最大的成就;

10. When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this: you haven't.

11. knowledge is a treasure,but practice is the key to it.知识是宝库,而实践是开启宝库的钥匙。

12. Don't cry over spilled milk覆水难收。

13. standing firm is to challenge difficult courageously and to leave the smile after sccess to oneself.

14. If you earn much money,the best way to spend it is on charitable deeds while you are alive; 如果你赚了很多钱,在活着的时候多行善事,这是你能得到的最好回报;

15. All roads lead to Rome。 条条大路通罗马。

16. A No. 2 pencil and a dream can take you anywhere.

17. Make hay while the sun shines你应该把握时间和机遇去做你想做的事。积极向上英语句子精选

18. An apple a day keeps the doctor away。 一天一苹果不用请医生。

19. Life will change what you are but not who you are; 欣然接受改变,但不要摒弃你的个人理念;

20. if you think you can you can. practise makeperfect. a good beginning ihalf done. 良好的开端是成功的一半。

21. sorrow is hushed into peace in my heart like the evening amongthe silent trees.忧思在我的心里平静下去,正如暮色降临在寂静的山林中。

22. 最有力量的菩萨,就是我们的手脑。

23. A little knowledge is dangerous.一知半解最危险。

24. 任何地点获得同样好的学习效果。

25. life is a flower, and love is the honey of the flower.

26. no pains, no gains. 没有付出就没有收获。

27. Happiness is a butterfly, which, when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.

28. Ignorance is the curse of God,knowledge the wing wherewith we fly to heaven.无知乃是罪恶,知识乃是我们借以飞向天堂的翅膀。

29. confidence in yourself ithe first step on the road to success. 自信是走向成功的第一步。

30. A mothers love never changes。 母爱永恒。

31. to the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.

32. an apple a dakeepthe doctor away. 一天一苹果不用请医生。

33. Get to another summit in your career.开创职业生涯的另一个高峰。

34. All human wisdom is summed up in two words ?C wait and hope. 人类所有的智慧可以归结为两个词 — 等待和希望。

35. I arise full of eagerness and energy, knowing well what achievement lies ahead of me.

36. A.

37. I know that my future is not just a dream.我知道我的未来不是梦。

38. Worktoday,.

39. you reap what you sow一份耕耘,一份收获。每个人都希望获得成功,但是要确定你是否付出了努力并认真的学习了英语!

40. nothin iimpossile. 没有什么是不可能的。

41. complacencithe enemof study. 学习的敌人是自己的满足。

42. Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success。 自信是走向成功的第一步。

43. Let us make our future now, and let us make our dreams tomorrow's reality.

44. I’ll give you some advice about life。 给你生活的忠告

45. 一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。

46. M.

47. When the sun is shining I can do anything; no mountain is too high, no trouble too difficult to overcome.

48. make hawhile the sun shines你应该把握时间和机遇去做你想做的事。难道现在还不是从englishtown课程中得到最大收获的时间吗?

49. You reap what you sow一份耕耘,一份收获。

50. There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval.

51. 相信是成功的起点,坚持是成功的终点。

52. Content is better than riches。 知足者常乐。

53. Believe in yourself.相信你自己!

54. Try your best to let family harmony flow smoothly; 尽你的能力让家平顺和谐;

55. Do more than others expect you to do and do it pains; 给别人比他们期望的更多,并用心去做;

56. Great minds think alike.英雄所见略同。

57. When you quarrel with a close friend, talk about the main dish, don’t quibble over the appetizers; 当你和你的亲近的少吵嘴时候,试着就事论事,不要扯出那些陈芝麻、烂谷子的事;

58. N.

59. knowledge is the food of the soul.知识是心灵的食粮。

60. 瀑布之所以壮观,是因为它没有退路。

61. Live a noble and honest life。 Reviving past times in your old age will help you to enjoy your life again; 过一种高尚而诚实的生活。当你年老时回想起过去,你就能再一次享受人生。

62. Knowledge is power.知识就是力量。

63. Trust God, but don’t forget to lock the door; 相信上帝,但是别忘了锁门;

64. Nothin is impossile。 没有什么是不可能的。

65. A still tongue makes a wise head。 寡言者智。

66. every day without you is like a book without pages.

67. a light heart livelong. 静以修身。

68. a snow year a rich year. 瑞雪兆丰年。

69. If you think you can you can。 Practise makes perfect。 A good beginning is half done。 良好的开端是成功的一半。

70. Read more books and watch less television; 多看点书,少看点电视;

71. Figure out the meaning of someone’s words; 多注意言下之意;

72. Every man is the architect of his own fortune。 自己的命运自己掌握。

73. P.

74. Jack of all trades and master of none.门门精通,样样稀松。

75. Remember,not all the best harvest is luck; 记住有时候,不是最好的收获也是一种好运;

76. A light heart lives long。 静以修身。

77. All books are divisible into two classes: the books of the hour, and the books of all time. 一切书籍都可以分为二类:即:一时之书与永久之书。

78. Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit.

79. life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.只有向后看才能理解生活;但要生活得好,则必须向前看。

80. 肯承认错误则错已改了一半。

81. 你就能找到适合你的学习方式。

82. there'more than one wato skin a cat条条大陆通罗马。你可能是因为没有时间去上课而放弃了英语学习。如果是这样的话,看一下englishtown的在线学习课程-你可以在任何时间

83. When someone asks you a question you don’t want to answer, simle and say, “Why do you want to know?” 当别人问你不想回答的问题时,笑着说:“你为什么想知道?”

84. every day without you is like a book without pages.没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书。

85. A snow year a rich year。 瑞雪兆丰年。

86. It never will rain roses. When we want to have more roses we must plant trees.天上永远不会掉下玫瑰来,如果想要更多的玫瑰,必须自己种植。

87. I,toiltearsandsweat.

88. All you need is the plan, the road map, and the courage to press on to your destination.

89. Be swift to hear,slow to speak.听宜敏捷,言宜缓行。

90. it’s better than never有总比没有好。

91. knowledge makes humble,ignorance makes proud.知识使人谦虚,无知使人骄傲。

92. The shepherd would rather lose the wool than the sheep。 留得青山在不愁没柴烧。

93. the shepherd would rather lose the wool than the sheep. 留得青山在不愁没柴烧。

94. If you want knowledge,you must toil for it.若要求知识,须从勤苦得。

95. Remember that silence is golden; 记住:沉默是金;

96. The harmonizing atmosphere of a family is valuable; 家庭的融洽氛围是难能可贵的;

97. a motherlove never changes. 母爱永恒。

98. You cannot hold onto yesterday; 不要摆脱不了昨天;

99. anything ipossible. 一切皆有可能。

100. First catch your hare.首先必须捕获兔子,然后才能宰之。

101. W,.

积极向上的句子英语 精选66句

1. don’t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。

2. Beauty lies in the love’s eyes.情人眼里出西施。

3. the first step ialwaythe hardest有时候要开始新的事物可能有些难度。如果你以前从没有学过英语的话,你可能会面对恐惧感。然而,一旦你开始了学习,你就一定不会后悔!

4. Every potter praises hit pot.王婆卖瓜,自卖自夸。

5. Ifyouwantknowledge,youmusttoilforit

6. Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you take it.

7. Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.

8. Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.成功的.秘诀就是四个简单的字:多一点点。

9. 苦难磨炼一些人,也毁灭另一些人。

10. 时空的尽头,一切物理特性失去意义。

11. 失败也是我需要的,它和成功一样有价值。

12. Whenever you say” I love you”, please say it honestly; 无论何时说“我爱你”,请真心实意;

13. Remember,the best love is to love others unconditionally rather than make demands on them; 记住,最好的爱存在于对别人的爱胜于对别人的索求这上;

14. 再困难,氧气总是够吸的吧!

15. Lifecannotfade,,alive.

16. Practice makes perfect不要因为不能马上成为某事物的专家而失望。

17. The glow of one warm thought is to me worth more than money.

18. Its never too late to mend.过而能改,善莫大焉;亡羊补牢,犹未晚也。

19. He is a fool that forgets himself.愚者忘乎所以。

20. Don’t take to heart every thing you hear。 /Don’t spend all that you have。 /Don’t sleep as long as you want; 不要轻信你听到的每件事,不要花光你的所有,不要想睡多久就睡多久;

21. Two heads are better than one两个人一起比单打独斗要有效的的多。

22. Learn to creep before you leap.先学爬,后学跳。

23. Industry is fortunexxxs right hand,and frugality her left.勤劳是财富的右手,节俭是她的左手。

24. a single flower doenot make a spring. 一花独放不是春百花齐放春满园。

25. I can because i think i can.我行,因为我相信我行!

26. 要成功,不要与马赛跑,要骑在马上,马上成功。

27. No pain, no gain不劳无获。

28. Fall in love at first sight; 相信一见钟情;

29. ignore those who try to discourage you .阴险与打击勿放心上。

30. Goals determine what you are going to be.目标决定你将成为为什么样的人。

31. Every cloud has a silver lining.否极泰来。

32. Marry a person who likes talking; because when you get old, you’ll find that chatting to be a great advantage; 找一个你爱聊的人结婚;因为年纪大了后,你会发觉喜欢聊天是一个人最大的优点;

33. T.

34. Everyday and in every way I’m getting better.每天每个方面我的生活都正在好转。

35. A young idler,an old beggar.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。

36. 记住:你是你生命的船长,走自己的路,何必在乎其它。

37. T,.

38. All that ends well is well。 结果好就一切都好。

39. Remember the three “ respects” 。Respect yourself, respect others, stand on dignity and pay attention to your behavior; 记住三个“尊”: 尊重你自己; 尊重别人; 保持尊严, 对自己的行为负责;

40. 记住,别松懈,别指望,别依靠,一个人给我站稳了!

41. Every profession produces its own best行行出状元。

42. science to the human mind is what air or water is to the body.

43. from my point of view, it is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than the second. 在我看来,支持第一种观点比支持第二种观点更有道理.

44. E,.

45. if at first you don't succeed, try, tragain有时在没有成功的时候放弃而不是继续坚持是非常简单的。但不要失去学习英语的信心!每个人都有各自的学习方式,只要付出一点努力学习,

46. 如果你相信自己,你可以做任何事。

47. Light tomorrow with today.

48. Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.成功的秘诀就是四个简单的字:多一点点。

49. T,onedayisworththree.

50. Do the thing you should do; 做自己该做的事;

51. It is harder to conceal ignorance than to acquire knowledge.掩盖无知要比学到知识更难。

52. a man is not old as long as he is seeking something. a man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams.

53. I feel strongly that I can make it.我坚信我一定能成功。

54. Speak slowly, but think quickly; 慢慢地说,但要迅速地想;

55. E.

56. 英文:a man is not old as long as he is seeking something. a man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams.

57. Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.

58. Better late than never.迟做总比不做好;晚来总比不来好。

59. Patienceisbitter,butitsfruitissweet.

60. Find a way to settle, not to dispute; 用一种明确的方法解决争议,不要冒犯;

61. Understand rules completely and change them reasonably; 深刻理解所有的规则,合理地更新他们;积极向上的英语句子

62. S.

63. The furthest way about is the nearest way home.

64. Experience must be bought.吃一堑,长一智。

65. man propose, god disposes. 成事在人,某事在天。

66. When someone sneezes say, “God bless you”; 当别人打喷嚏时,说一声“上帝保佑”;

积极向上的句子英语 精选64句

1. all that endwell iwell. 结果好就一切都好。

2. They may ignore discipline,but they would not tolerate disregarding civilization.

3. Learn to walk before you run.先学走,再学跑。

4. Comment on the success you have attained by looking in the past at the target you wanted to achieve most; 回头看看你发誓取得的目标,然后评价你到底有多成功;

5. Knowlegde can change your fate and English can accomplish your future.知识改变命运,英语成就未来。

6. just do it!埋头实干!

7. letmesee.让我想想。

8. Judge not from appearances.人不可貌相,海不可斗量。

9. everman ithe architect of hiown fortune. 自己的命运自己掌握。

10. 成功从不会放弃任何人,只有你放弃成功罢了。

11. L.

12. It is not enough to be industrious,so are the ants. What are you industrious about光勤劳是不够的,蚂蚁也是勤劳的。要看你为什么要勤劳。

13. No pains, no gains。 没有付出就没有收获。

14. 目标和信念给人以持久的动力,它是人的精神支柱。

15. Better be unborn than untaught,for ignorance is the root of misfortune .与其不受教育,不如不生,因为无知是不幸的根源。

16. The power of imagination makes us infinite.

17. Call you mother on the phone。 If you can’t, you may think of her in your heart; 给妈妈打电话,如果不行,至少在心里想着她;

18. Keep your face always toward the sunshine—and shadows will fall behind you.

19. Geniusonlymeanshard-workingalloneslife.

20. O.

21. Don't worry when you are not recognized, but strive to be worthy of recognition.

22. 三十年河东,三十年河西,莫欺少年穷!

23. For man is man and master of his fate.人就是人,是自己命运的主人。

24. If a thing is worth doing it is worth doing well.如果事情值得做,就值得做好。

25. Share your knowledge to continue a timeless tradition; 和别人分享你的知识,那才是永恒之道;

26. Knowledge comes from experience alone.知识来自实践。

27. A single flower does not make a spring。 一花独放不是春百花齐放春满园。

28. A year’s plan starts with spring.一年之计在于春。

29. content ibetter than riches. 知足者常乐。

30. I believe that if one always looked at the skies, one would end up with wings.

31. Don’t let a little dispute break up a great friendship; 不要让小小的争端损毁了一场伟大的友谊;

32. Go for it!加油!向前冲!

33. Adversity makes a man wise, not rich. 逆境出人才。

34. Learn from the mistakes of others and prevent your own.前人犯错,后人戒。

35. Learn and live.活着,为了学习。

36. don't crover spilled milk覆水难收。可能你还在后悔过去浪费了许多时间而没有学习英语,但是取而代之,更着眼于你的将来-一个讲英语的将来。

37. 富贵不淫贫贱乐,男儿到此是豪雄。

38. It is always the simple that produces the marvelous.

39. They believe xxxBe brave,and I will winxxx.

40. No mater it is for the daily life or the daily work,they are active and enterprising.

41. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again有时在没有成功的时候放弃而不是继续坚持是非常简单的。

42. a still tongue makea wise head. 寡言者智。

43. Remember what life tells you; 熟记生活告诉你的一切;

44. And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.

45. practice makeperfect不要因为不能马上成为某事物的专家而失望。有时你可能并没有感觉到英语的进步,但是只要你更多的操练,你的英语就一定能更流利。

46. Never say die。永不言弃。

47. W.

48. Whevever you say” I’m sorry”, please look into the other person’s eyes; 无论何时说“对不起”,请看对方的眼睛;

49. ,it’,.

50. if you think you can, then you can.只要你相信你能做到,你就可以做到。

51. Beggars cannot be choosers.行乞者不得有选择。

52. there'more than one wato skin a cat条条大陆通罗马。你可能是因为没有时间去上课而放弃了英语学习。如果是这样的话,看一下englishtown的在线学习课程-你可以在任何时间任何地点获得同样好的学习效果。

53. a sound mind in a sound body. 健全的精神寓于健康的身体。

54. Darkness cannot Drive out darkness,only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate,Only love can do that.

55. 别人看不起您,很不幸;自己看不起自己,更不幸。

56. Whenever you make a phone call smil when you pick up the phone, because someone feel it! 无论什么时候打电话,摘起话筒的时候请微笑,因为对方能感觉到!

57. Don’t neglect dreams; 请不要忽视梦想;

58. Find time for yourself。 找点时间,单独呆会儿;

59. Whenever you find your wrongdoing, be quick with reparation! 无论何时你发现自己做错了,竭尽所能去弥补;动作要快!

60. Never judge people by their appearance; 永远不要以貌取人;

61. 美丽的蓝图,落在懒汉手里,也不过是一页废纸。

62. If you fail, don’t forget to learn your lesson; 如果你失败了,千万别忘了汲取教训;

63. No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won’t make you cry.

64. 九十九次的理论不如一次的行动来得实际。