

乔杉经典句子 精选56句


2. “No uterus, no opinion.”

3. ko no DIO哒!

4. 你想过人类是为了什么而活的吗?人活着都是为了克服恐惧和不安,让自己安心。收获显赫的名声,统治他人,牟取巨额的财富,都是为了让自己安心;结婚交友也是为了安心;为他人奉献,追求爱与和平,全都不过是为了让自己安心罢了。可以说人类活着就是图个安心。

5. 一旦只追求结果,人就会想方设法抄近路。在抄近路的过程中,人又容易迷失真相,做事的干劲也会逐渐消磨殆尽。我认为最重要的是想要追求真相的意志,只要有了追求真相的意志,就算这次让犯人侥幸逃脱,终有一天还是会落网。

6. “I have to go before I put your head through a wall.”

7. “Could I BE wearing any more clothes?”

8. “Here come the meat sweats…”

9. “It’s a Sunday. I don’t move on Sundays.”

10. 我真是High到不行啊

11. 每个人在年轻时会停滞不前,也会走上弯路,但终究都会走上自己原本该走的道路。

12. “Thank you my babies.”

13. 老东西,你的替身最没用了

14. 16×55=28!!最后悄悄玩个梗(

15. “I’m curvy and I like it.”

16. 你会记得你至今吃过多少片面包么?

17. 木大木大木大

18. 我不做人了,JOJO

19. 人们不是常说吗,会觉得自己奇怪的人,反而是正常的。

20. “He’s so pretty I want to cry.”

21. “Welcome to the real world. It sucks. You’re gonna love it!”

22. 人类可以说是一种生活中随时随地都在破坏某些事物的生物。(而在那当中你的能力却是世界上最温柔哒()

23. 人类的赞歌就是勇气的赞歌。

24. “He’s her lobster.”

25. “Ah, humor based on my pain.”

26. “I wish I could, but I don’t want to.”

27. “I don’t even have a ‘pla.’”

28. 人一旦被逼到绝境,靠的不是毅力,而是觉悟。所谓的觉悟,并不是自我牺牲的意志。所谓的觉悟,就是能在黑暗的荒野中,开辟出一条应当前进的道路。

29. 砸瓦鲁多

30. 人类的好奇心越是旺盛,精神力就越会源源不断的涌现。因为比起任何生物,人类的好奇心是最旺盛的,所以才能不断地进化。

31. “Joey doesn’t share food!”

32. “Looks like a fun gang.”

33. “I say more dumb things before 9 am than most people say all day.”

34. 有时候,人类根本无法依靠自己的意志去选择正确的道路,“进退两难”的状况也是存在的。

35. “They don’t know that we know they know we know.”

36. You threw my sandwich away? MY SANDWICH?

37. “In all my life I never thought I would be so lucky as to fall in love with my best [friend].”

38. “It’s so hard to care when you’re this relaxed.”

39. 残存下来的,只会是这个世界的真实。而从真实中衍生出来的真挚行动,是绝不会被毁灭的。

40. 迷惘往往伴随着软弱,特莉休,最重要的...就是你那股捡起胸针并且摒弃所有迷惘的坚毅决心!

41. “I can’t have a mimosa at breakfast? I’m on vacation!”

42. “You hung up on the pizza place? I don’t hang up on your friends.”

43. We're here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise why else even be here?

44. “I’m not even sorry.”

45. 恐惧分两种,一种是动物的本能情感,一种是在经过思考以后产生的理性情感。在遇到高位的事物,意识到自己与之无法抗衡时,又或是在面对未知事物时,无知便足以令人感到恐惧。

46. “Your love is like a giant pigeon crapping on my heart.”

47. “The more I drink, the less there is for the kids to drink.”

48. “Thirteen bathrooms in this place, I threw up in the coat closet.”

49. “The fridge broke so I had to eat everything.”

50. “You know, like a cow’s opinion. It doesn’t matter. It’s moo."

51. “I’m full, and yet I know if I stop eating this, I’ll regret it.”

52. “I’m hopeless and awkward and desperate for love.”

53. “Isn’t that just kick-you-in-the-crotch, spit-on-your-neck fantastic?”

54. 平角裤平角裤

55. “I mean sure, I have my bad days, but then I remember what a cute smile I have.”

56. 一个人最致命的弱点往往会显示在他最真切的愿望里。