

写完整的句子英文翻译 精选74句

1. In India, some students write on small boards called tablets. 在印度,一些学生在一种被称为写字版的小版子上写字。

2. When Thoreau wrote that line, he was thinking of the Walden Pond he knew as a boy. 写这句话时,梭罗想起孩提时代的瓦尔登湖。

3. 对于英语句子的翻译,由于句型句式的不同,不能仅仅依靠某一种翻译方法,需要运用多种翻译方法进行,才能将句子更为准确的翻译出来。很多同学都会害怕面对一些句式复杂和较长的句子,不知道无从下手,找不清主次。但其实再复杂的句子,都是由一些基本的成分组成。找出整个句子的核心内容及每一层的关系,再找到每一层之间的逻辑关系,就能较为清晰的译出原文意思。在拆分句子的时候,就像剥洋葱,一层层剥开找到核心,但是在剥的过程中,有几个关键要素是需要重点找出来的。

4. When the Buttermilk Wise Man received the letter he believed every word. 酪乳智者收到信后相信了里面所写的每一句话。

5. And he asked for a writing table , and wrote, saying, his name is John. 他要了一张写字桌子,写,道,他的名字是约翰。

6. The feature on the girl was pegged on her experiences. 有关这个女孩子的特写是依据她的经历写成的。

7. In other words, write and run the tests that will find new and serious bugs. 换句话说,撰写并运行那些将找到新的更严重的缺陷的测试。

8. Difficulties: Chinese students tend to get low scores on the writing section. Test-takers need to develop logical skills, a large vocabulary, and an understanding of sentence structures. 难点:中国学生往往在写作部分分数较低。考生需要提高他们的逻辑思维能力、词汇量和对句子结构的理解。

9. Use a pen to write your name. 用原子笔写下你的名字。

10. Flowers have not had time to open, it has been thanks. 花还没有来得及开,就已经谢了。这句话英文怎么写呀?

11. You need to comply with SQL coding standards and guidelines when you write your SQL statements. 当您编写 SQL 语句的时候,需要符合 SQL 编码标准和指导原则。

12. It also helps children who have handwriting problems and people with dysgraphia. 它还可以帮助孩子谁拥有手写问题和书写困难的人。

13. 谓语动词。每个句子只有一个谓语动词,如果在拆分句子的时候,短句中出现了第二个谓语动词,那要注意,其中一定包含了分句。

14. By the way, if you write a script to implement a change, write its complement—the "undo" script—at the same time. 顺便说一句,如果要编写实现修改的脚本,那么也要同时编写相反的脚本 — “撤消” 脚本。

15. I wrote it on a plane from Omaha to Memphis while my brain was toast, and it shows. 这是我在从孟菲斯飞往奥马哈的航班上写的,当时我还头晕脑胀呢,就写出了这么一句。

16. 要根据情境翻译。例如:it's okay。简单的一句放到不同情境下翻译都是不一样的。被人询问时,有的翻译成:没事的。或者安慰别人时:一切都会好的。一切都会过去的等等。都要放在具体语境具体分析。

17. First, she notes, "Most people do know how to write in complete words and sentences, but they may simply be forgetting to switch gears between texting their friends and writing a report to a boss. 第一,“其实大部分人都知道如何将词语或句子写完整,问题是在给朋友编辑短信和给老板撰写报告两者间,他们可能仅仅是忘记了转换自己的角色。

18. She lettered a motto for the wall of the classroom. 她写了一句格言挂在教室的墙上。

19. Midnight was written by Mao Dun. 《子夜》是茅盾写的。

20. Yet halfway through, he can't quite help but blurt out that the impact of this browsing on our brains is “even more disturbing” than he thought. 不过写着写着,他还是忍不住蹦出两句,称这种浏览方式的影响比他预想的“更为恼人”。

21. Use complete words and sentences. An essay or story is not a chatroom. 遣词造句要完整。写文章隐讳闲扯。

22. Write short stories, write your observations, write blog posts, but make sure that you are pushing your abilities (in other words, pay attention to style and word choice; 写小故事,写你的观察,写博文,但要保证你是在锻炼自己的能力(也就是说,留意风格和遣词造句;

23. The statement is an interesting clue to both his temperament and his literary method. 从这句话里可以略知他的气质和写作方法。

24. Banners with this slogan could be seen in almost every classroom。 写着这句标语的横幅几乎挂满中国的每间教室。

25. I had written such a sentence: "People draw a picture is for catching sight of their innermost being. 我写过这样一句话:“人为了看见自己的内心才画画。”

26. Sure, you can write blog posts … but a whole ebook? 你写写博客自然不在话下,不过,写完一整本电子书?

27. Dad is writing ane-mail. 爸爸正在写电子邮件。

28. Please leave shauna read carls newsweek magazine since carl has already wrote his report. 这句话是说只要卡尔写完他的报告,就让肖娜看卡尔的每周新闻。

29. He-man gentleman, says not to write be don't write! 男子汉大丈夫,说不写就是不写!

30. Let's forget about a letter, let's stick with an e-mail, or a text message. 就算你没有写过信,写电子邮件,发短信也算一种写作。

31. Of course, no one writes test suites that independently verify the result of each statement. 当然,没有人会编写测试套件对每个语句的结果都进行验证。

32. Wives and daughters was composed by Mrs. Gaskell while Sons and Lovers was composed by D. H. Lawrence. 《妻子与女儿》是盖斯卡尔夫人写的,而《儿子与情人》则是劳伦斯写的。

33. Now we need to write the code that will copy this web-jamon-config.xml file to WEB_INF/spring folder, where webmvc-config.xml 现在我们需要编写将该 web-jamon-config.xml 文件复制到 web_INF/spring 文件夹的代码,webmvc-config.xml 也在该文件夹中,还要编写 add import 语句的代码,该语句在 webmvc-config.xml 中要导入 web-jamon-config.xml(参见清单 16)。

34. When a writer findsthe voice, the words flow freely, the sentences become paragraphs and pages andchapters, and the story is told, the writer is heard, and the reader isrewarded. 当一个写作者发现声音,文字就随之而自由飞扬,句子演化成段落,纸张,和篇章,随着这故事的讲述,写作者被认可,读者得到了享受。

35. Liam Neeson and I last spoke a week before I wrote this sentence. 连姆·尼森,在我写下这句话之前上周刚刚与他谈过话。

36. " Clivia is a "gentleman" itself. 则是君子兰一个“君子”的写照。

37. 定I低take派super总hot经为showers办导because集I’制d约like百to除practice表使burning要活in回hell

38. Now write down the main idea of each section in one well-developed sentence. 现在你要把每个分段的中心思想都用一句整话写出来。

39. Suntzu writes the "art of war" around 500 B. C. The book is written on verticalbamboo strips, each the length of a chopstick. 孙子在公元前xx年左右写成《孙子兵法》。这本书写在筷子一般长短的竖直竹条上。

40. This equipment not only can normally read and write passive electronic tags, but can read and write DK-900 active electronic tags. 该款读写设备既可正常读写无源电子标签,又可以读写DK-900有源电子标签!

41. Fugue is a type of contrapuntal compositions for particular number of parts or voices. 赋格是一种用对位法写作的作品体裁,有特定数量的声部。句中的。

42. In this mechanism, I rewrite incoming RDF statements to add their source. 在该机制中,我改写了引入的 RDF 语句来添加其源。

43. The first thing I wrote on my script [for Training Day] was 'the wages of sin is death.' 我首先在《训练日》脚本上写的是‘罪的工价乃是死’这句话。

44. He has written to me frequently since I have been ill. 因此此句可理解为:“自从我生病以来, 他经常给我写信。”

45. Incidentally, you forgot to put a return address on this package. 随便说一句,你忘了在包裹上写明回邮址了。

46. 感转People青are米always军本like重“Are路you山a想morning三下person商or格a风night根府person?型”and任I’标mjust做完like“现Mate,名I’再m存barely斗even取a严子person”

47. To complete the removal on time as company required …To finish any removal at any suitable time as the company's requirment. … 按公司要求定时完成搬家事宜这句怎么多写一点我在写工作报…

48. “This is to mark that I lived in terror under oppression,” read one message. “这是我生活在压迫恐怖下的印记”有一句这么写到。

49. To make a recursive call, you must either code the RECURSIVE clause (or attribute) in the PROGRAM-ID paragraph of the recursively called program or specify the THREAD compiler option. 要执行递归调用,必须在以递归方式调用的程序的 PROGRAM-ID 段落中编写 RECURSIVE 子句(或属性),或指定 THREAD 编译器选项。

50. 词汇量也是非常关键的,单词,词组,固定搭配的意思都要明白。

51. When overridden in a derived class, attempts to retrieve the security token that matches at least one of the key identifier clauses contained within the specified key identifier. 在衍生类别中覆写时,尝试撷取与指定之金钥识别码内含的其中一个金钥识别码子句相符的安全性权杖。

52. You wouldn’t believe how many 500 word articles took hours to write as I did choirs every other sentence. 当我每写一句后关注一下唱诗班,你不会相信,500字的文章需要写那么长时间。

53. The man resumed his writing. 那汉子继续写他的。

54. Marty, 19, may have the most flagrantly impractical career goal, next to writing haiku. 马蒂,今年xx岁,可能抱有最不切实际的想法,他想写俳句。

55. Using this, you can code #ifdef statements for conditional compiles. 可以使用这个宏编写条件编译所需的 #ifdef 语句。

56. Vincent Fang in favor of Chinese literature, his writing covers love story to artistic conception, the crafting often bring reader to the extended imagination. 偏好中国民族文学的方文山,能写情能写意境,字句拿捏得宜,常让观众有更无限的想像空间。

57. 找到句子的连词。通常一个句子中,有n个连词,谓语动词就是n+1个

58. She also said that after she writes the last word, she goes back later, re-reads the story and then writes a new version. 她还表示,在她写的最后一句话,她回去后,重新读取的故事,然后写一个新版本。

59. Write injuries in the sand, kindnesses in marble. 将伤害写在沙子上,善良写下大理石上。

60. Midnight is written by Mao Dun. 《子夜》是茅盾写的。

61. That was surely. The Chu sword achievement wishes, these two words are namely you write along yourself. 那当然了。楚剑功心想,这两句话就是你自己写的。

62. SqlpassthroughRead/SqlpassthroughWrite: These parameters specify the default passthrough mode for read and write statements. SqlpassthroughRead/SqlpassthroughWrite:这些参数指定读取和写入语句的默认 passthrough 模式。

63. 翻译时根据需要调整语序。 例如定语从句中先行词后加从句翻译成中文就要把修饰词尽量放到名词前面。这样使语句通顺。

64. Dante here reverses causal relationships by writing first that the arrow hits the target, and only later that it leaves the string. This allows us to feel the velocity inside the words. 但丁在诗句里将因果关系换了一个位置,先写箭中了目标,后写箭离了弦,让我们一下子读到了语言中的速度。

65. Some like to write a certain number of words or pages every day, others were happy to write a page or a sentence. 我所介绍的这些作家们有些喜欢每天写上一定数量的字数或者页数,有一些只乐意写一页甚至一句。

66. Mr. Micawber, in David Copperfield by Charles Dickens – 1850 摘自狄更斯xx年撰写的小说《大卫·科波菲尔》中米考伯先生说的一句话。

67. Should I write out my speech word for word, or work from note cards? 我应该把演讲稿逐字逐句写下来吗?还是简要写在便笺上?

68. The child likes to write, but he cant. Sohes crying. 那孩子喜欢写字,可他不会写,于是就哭了。

69. 当其Always基be和yourself运织(Except看界during满制job实外interviews,素省the决first水few将话months指of划响arelationship,维多or价any有type白of六具social术用运interaction)包

70. Yet halfway through, he can’t quite help but blurt out that the impact of this browsing on our brains is “even more disturbing” than he thought. 不过写着写着,他还是忍不住蹦出两句,称这种浏览方式的影响比他预想的“更为恼人”。

71. Simply re-write your thesis sentence to fit your body and summary more exactly. 重写你的主题句或者修改你的正文和总结使他们更为精确。

72. Alex Rover: Dont hand me that line - I wrote that line! 亚历克斯桑德拉·罗弗:别拿这句话说我——那是我写的台词!

73. So you might ask in terms of when you're writing electron configurations, which way should you write it. 所以你们可能会问当你们,在写电子构型的时候,在写电子构型的时候。

74. The student was quoted as saying the reason why she wanted to write a kungfu novel was in response to a former teacher saying it was not an area for girls. 据该报道援引这位学生的话说,她之所以想写一部武侠小说的原因是为了回应一位前任老师所说的一句话:女孩子写不出武侠小说。

写完整的句子英文翻译 精选12句

1. From that time on, he would now and then ask me to complete a quatrain by adding a couplet of my own to one given by him. 从那时起,他时不时地叫我去完成一首四行诗,把我自己写的对句添加在他给我的对句后面。

2. This old idiom "everything goes, no one good" is a true portrayal of the Shaman; 这句古老的习语“样样都行,无一精通”就是萨满的真实写照;

3. Disciples Detong and Zhi Xuan requested me to do calligraphy for the attached praises by disciples. 弟子茶桶和智宣都要求我书写附呈由弟子所写的赞颂。

4. He hoped to please her spirit, so he wrote a solemn promise. 他希望抚慰她的在天之灵,于是就写了一句郑重的誓言。

5. This is the second time the East Emperor Kangxi, when the customs officials who patrol the poem written. 这是康熙皇帝第二次东巡山海关时写下的诗句。

6. Just tell yourself that if you write one sentence, then you can stop. Chances are you’ll keep going. 告诉你自己你只需要写一句话 然后就可以停止 说不定你就会继续写下去.

7. Your colleagues may use commonly accepted abbreviations in email, but when communicating with external customers, everyone should follow standard writing protocol. 本公司内部同事见的电子邮件可以有些简写或缩写,但是对于非本公司的客人的电子邮件一定要遵守标准书写格式。

8. Write that down, and put it in your pocket. 把这句话写下来,放在口袋里吧。

9. Don’t write a post about why you haven’t been posting. 不要写关于为什么你不写新帖的帖子。

10. The "write down" programme was to make the instruction programme of statement list written down into the random of subscriber programme of PLC processor. “写出”程序是将计算机内的指令语句表程序写出至PLC主机的用户程序存储器。

11. Each of these things is a goal. Define each goal destination in one sentence. 这些都是你的目标,把每个这样的目标用一句话写下来。

12. Such promises, absurd and ridiculous even at the first sight, come into being mainly for two reasons. 次段写此类承诺形成的原因,在主题句后分两方面来说。