






“How you sell matters. What your process is matters. But how your customers feel when they engage with you matters more.” – Tiffani Bova

“你的销售方式很重要。你的过程很重要。但当你的客户与你接触时,他们的感受更为重要。” – 蒂法尼·波娃

“Don’t find customers for your products, find products for your customers.” – Seth Godin

“不要为你的产品寻找客户,而是为你的客户寻找产品。” — 塞思·戈丁

“The major difference between successful and unsuccessful people is that the former look for problems to resolve, whereas the latter make every attempt to avoid them.” – Grant Cardone


“Sales is not about selling anymore, but about building trust and educating.” – Siva Devaki


“When reps take the role of a curious student rather than an informed expert, buyers are much more inclined to engage.” – Jeff Hoffman


“Be an example. Are you prompt? Are you professional? Are you engaged? As sales leaders, we have to set the bar high for ourselves as well as our teams.” – Lori Richardson

“以身作则。你及时吗团队销售正能量句子?你专业吗?你参与了吗?作为销售领导者,我们必须为自己和我们的团队设定更高的标准。” ——洛里·理查森

“Sales are contingent upon the attitude of the salesman, no the attitude of the prospect.” – William Clement Stone

“销售取决于推销员的态度,而不取决于潜在客户的态度。” – 威廉·克莱门特·斯通

“Filter everything you’re doing, saying and pitching through the customer point of view, and you’ll improve just about every metric you care about today.” – Matt Heinz

“通过客户的观点过滤你正在做的一切,所说的和推销的,你会改进你今天关心的每一个指标。” — 马特·海因茨

“Approach each customer with the idea of helping him or her solve a problem or achieve a goal, not of selling a product or service.” – Brian Tracy


“Practice is just as valuable as a sale. The sale will make you a living; the skill will make you a fortune.” – Jim Rohn


“Don’t celebrate closing a sale, celebrate opening a relationship.” – Patricia Fripp


“Treat objections as requests for further information.” – Brian Tracy


“You don’t need a big close, as many sales reps believe. You risk losing your customers when you save all the good stuff for the end. Keep the customer actively involved throughout the presentation, and watch your results improve.” – Harvey MacKay


“Care enough to create value for customers. If you get that part right, selling is easy.” –Anthony Iannarino

“用心为客户创造价值。如果你在这一点上做对了,销售是很容易的” ——安东尼·伊纳里诺

“If your sales have tanked, maybe the issue is not your lack of sales skills, but you are rushing the knowing and trusting aspects of the buying process.” – Leanne Hoagland-Smith


“You need to be able to paint a picture in a conversation. The lost part of sales is the storytelling side.” – Richard Harris


“The best salespeople wonder what it would be like to be in the other person’s shoes. They know they can’t play that game unless they continually strive to train themselves in how we as human beings communicate.” – Bob Phibbs


“Sales is an outcome, not a goal. It’s a function of doing numerous things right, starting from the moment you target a potential prospect until you finalize the deal.” – Jill Konrath


“It is not your customer’s job to remember you. It is your obligation and responsibility to make sure they don’t have the chance to forget you.” – Patricia Fripp

“记住你不是客户的工作。 确保他们没有机会忘记你是你的义务和责任。” – 帕特里夏·弗里普

“Selling is really about having conversations with people and helping improve their company or their life. If you look at it like that, selling is a very admirable thing to do.” – Lori Richardson

“销售实际上是与人交谈并帮助改善他们的公司或他们的生活。 如果你这样看,销售是一件非常令人钦佩的事情。” – 洛里理查森


我们希望你发现这些销售名言鼓舞人心和发人深省。 无论你是入门级销售代表,还是监督整个销售团队的经理,没有比向专家学习更好的改进方法了!

如果你正在寻找更多改进销售策略的帮助,请立即联系我! 我将确保你可以获得扩展销售策略和发展业务所需的所有工具!