







Ryan Bingham: How much does your life weigh? Imagine for a second that you're carrying a backpack. I want you to pack it with all the stuff that you have in your life... you start with the little things. The shelves, the drawers, the knickknacks, then you start adding larger stuff. Clothes, tabletop appliances, lamps, your TV... the backpack should be getting pretty heavy now. You go bigger. Your couch, your car, your home... I want you to stuff it all into that backpack. Now I want you to fill it with people. Start with casual acquaintances, friends of friends, folks around the office... and then you move into the people you trust with your most intimate secrets. Your brothers, your sisters, your children, your parents and finally your husband, your wife, your boyfriend, your girlfriend. You get them into that backpack, feel the weight of that bag. Make no mistake your relationships are the heaviest components in your life. All those negotiations and arguments and secrets, the compromises. The slower we move the faster we die. Make no mistake, moving is living. Some animals were meant to carry each other to live symbiotically over a lifetime. Star crossed lovers, monogamous swans. We are not swans. We are sharks.

Ryan Bingham: [End of closing monologue] The stars will wheel forth from their daytime hiding places; and one of those lights, slightly brighter than the rest, will be my wingtip passing over.生活到底有多重?假设你背着一个背包,感受勒在你肩上的背带,感受到了么?我要你把生活中的一切都装入这个背包,从最小的物件开始,书架上的,抽屉里的,零食,一切乱七八糟的东西,感受重量不断增加。现在开始往里面装大点的物件,衣服,桌上的东西,台灯,毛巾枕头,电视机。现在它应该不小了,再往里面放更大的东西,你的沙发,床,餐桌,汽车,你的家,把他们统统装进去,现在,试着走走,是不是很沉重?这就是我们每天做的事情,我们不断的给自己增重直到寸步难行,我们绝不容许一个失误。现在我决定把你的背包烧了,你决定从里面拿出什么?照片?照片是给那些记不住事儿的人准备的,告诉你们,把所有的东西都烧了吧,想象一下,明天早上起来,孑然一身,轻装上阵吧!生活到底有多重?假设你背着一个背包,感受勒在你肩上的背带,感受到了么?我要你把生活中的一切都装入这个背包,从最小的物件开始,书架上的,抽屉里的,零食,一切乱七八糟的东西,感受重量不断增加。现在开始往里面装大点的物件,衣服,桌上的东西,台灯,毛巾枕头,电视机。现在它应该不小了,再往里面放更大的东西,你的沙发,床,餐桌,汽车,你的家,把他们统统装进去,现在,试着走走,是不是很沉重?这就是我们每天做的事情,我们不断的给自己增重直到寸步难行,我们绝不容许一个失误。现在我决定把你的背包烧了,你决定从里面拿出什么?照片?照片是给那些记不住事儿的人准备的,告诉你们,把所有的东西都烧了吧,想象一下,明天早上起来,孑然一身,轻装上阵吧!


星星从白天隐藏的角落 慢慢的爬升出来,而那些天边的微光中会有一个更为明亮的 它就是我的冀翼 ,祝福着其他人,悄然拂过...