

1.心怀感恩,所遇皆温柔。With gratitude, everything is gentle2.承蒙时光不弃,感恩一切给予。Thank you for your time. Thank you for everything3.感恩为我们操劳一辈子的父母。We are grateful to our parents who have worked for us all their lives.4.感恩所有的遇见,所有的陪伴,感恩美好的一切。I am grateful for all the encounters, all the company, and all the wonderful things.5.用加法爱人,用减法幽怨,用乘法感恩。Love by addition, resentment by subtraction, gratitude by multiplication6.记得谢谢教会你说“谢谢”的人。Remember to thank the person who taught you to say thank you7.感谢你不是超人,却为我变成了万能。Thank you for not being Superman, but becoming omnipotent for me8.其实生活没有那么复杂,懂得感恩每一个真心对自己好的人就够了。In fact, life is not so complicated. It is enough to know how to be grateful to everyone who is really good to them.9.在茫茫人海中相遇相知相守无论谁都不会一帆风顺,只有一颗舍得付出懂得感恩的心才能拥有一生的爱和幸福。In the vast sea of people meet, know each other, no matter who will not be smooth sailing, only a willing to pay know how to appreciate the heart can have a lifetime of love and happiness.10.知足者常乐,感恩者多福。学会知足,懂得感恩,人生就会阳光明媚。Those who are content are always happy, and those who are grateful are blessed. Learn to be content, know how to be grateful, life will be sunny.11.你再善良也无法对所有的人好,把善良留给懂得感恩的人,而不是得寸进尺的人。No matter how kind you are, you can't treat all the people well. Leave the kindness to those who know how to be grateful, not those who take an inch to advance.12.感恩生命中出现的每一个人,无论是对是错,我们有缘相见,谢谢你为我的人生上了一课。I am grateful to everyone in my life, right or wrong. We are destined to meet. Thank you for teaching me a lesson in my life.13.我会时刻记得感恩那些在人生路上帮忙过我的人。I will always remember to thank those who have helped me in my life.